

Label and track image features.

  • da (xarray.DataArray) – The data to label.

  • mask (xarray.DataArray) – The mask of ponts to ignore. Must be binary where 1 = true point and 0 = background to be ignored.

  • radius (int) – The size of the structuring element used in morphological opening and closing. Radius specified by the number of grid units.

  • min_size_quartile (float) – The quantile used to define the threshold of the smallest area object retained in tracking. Value should be between 0 and 1.

  • timedim (str) – The name of the time dimension

  • xdim (str) – The name of the x dimension

  • ydim (str) – The namne of the y dimension

  • positive (bool) – True if da values are expected to be positive, false if they are negative. Default argument is True


labels – Integer labels of the connected regions.

Return type
